Sunday, February 28, 2010

Inspirational Quotes By Inventors

book of "Feral", the latest novel by David Jasso

could say that this week has been somewhat peculiar in the blog, because unlike what is usual, we left parked and reviews we've focused on to present some developments that we found interesting .
fate would have it in a few days, are several works that have been announced publicly, coinciding with the appearance of news, advertising and marketing campaigns.

order not to leave that dynamic and close the week in a coherent way (do not make me play on words, which I know ...), tonight we present the book trailer of "Feral", the latest novel by David Jasso, which will be released in mid May the hand of Sirius Editorial Team.

A novel of horror and science fiction, where the argument puts us in a space colony to be engulfed in the most horrible of nightmares when horror and fear are installed there.

Knowing the author and his work, would put his hand on the fire to ensure that those feelings are what the reader will live in the flesh while reading the novel.

If anything characterizes the work of Jasso, is to achieve wonderful way to create a claustrophobic atmosphere, stifling and tense, they get to immerse the reader in a state of distress similar to their characters.

For that reason and having read the story, this novel will satisfy the most select audience and satisfy our most gloomy aspect and demanding genre readers.

The only downside at the moment and even without reading the book, is the front end of it ... I've said it before and I do not tire of repeating: This cover does not do justice.

matter how good a story (and this is), without a proper presentation, accurate, and that encourages the reader hesitant to take it from the shelf to take a look, you lose the possibility that future reader decides to be with her.

Because let's face it: What is the first thing you look when you are in a library and ye lay out future purchases? The cover, accurate ...

A good cover speaks volumes about the content of the work .. It gets in your eyes and your imagination and sparks. It encourages you want to find out what lies between its pages.
And unfortunately, in this case is not so. The only thing that inspired me this cover is the memory of my teenage years, when these small and simplistic devoured novels by genre called "Nightmares."
is too young, too little serious. Unprofessional, if you prefer so.

As an illustration for a comic or a story, maybe have a go .. But of course, is not the best choice for a novel and less, if the perpetrator is someone of the same with the reputation and prestige of Jasso.

Nobody is offended or curse me. Let no one accuse me of being peevish and tocapelotas. I just limit myself to give my opinion on the matter. In my opinion, is as inappropriate as a picture of Bosco wrapping paper Albal ... Tacky and regrettable.

I'd like to think that before what promises to be the best novel of David Jasso go on sale, someone will realize that the content deserves better "container" and the published version comes out, is consistent with the quality history.

You see, readers Absent ... Another title to add to the list of essential, that every day becomes more and more long.

A greeting.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Male Tattoos In The Pubic Area

-NEWS-Out Now "The Rising" by Brian Keen

big news for fat people, dear readers Absent.
turns out that "The Rising", Keen's novel has already left the light in our country, under the seal of Dolmen.

I'm a mess and presentable. I've been after her, following her for some time now, and yet, if not for the good of Alicia Pulido, head of communications at the Z line of Dolmen, had the good idea to remind the mail, I would have gone completely .... If I'm breaded, really.

I recommend that you do not lose track of this novel, because it will give a lot of talk. It is no coincidence that its author Brian Keene, has been the only horror writer nominated for four awards in the same year Bram Stoker. I think those are enough references to capture our attention.
For more info, click on the image.

Although I can not wait to have it in my hands, this weekend is going to be impossible to get my hands on it, as Major Festival walk and I walk my children and fairs, feasts, dances and parades.
But on Monday, without fail, succeed in making their server waiting to be enjoyed every word. As soon as you read, do not doubt that I shall give my views on the most detailed and I could confirm if my premonitions have been successful, thing that I'm almost 100% sure ...

A hug, folks.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Preganant Sister Poems

-ADVANCE-Trailer-Book "The Bait" by Jose Carlos Somoza

Yep, Reading Absent Friends.
This Thursday night I bring you the preview of what will be the new novel by my admired Jose Carlos Somoza.

The author of "The Lady Number Thirteen", "Zig Zag" and " The Key of the Abyss" and Random House Mondadori we present the latest work of the teacher, (which will be released next May 14) and trailer do with this fantastic book that is sure to leave you with my mouth open.
If only the writer's path for me, reason enough to be guaranteed a good read, after seeing the video I can only say that I am anxious that get my hands on.

Admittedly, the work of the advertising team has been excellent and achieve its mission in a spectacular way.
Has not caught your attention and you have left with the desire to discover the story behind this magnificent sight is staging? I am ...

will keep you informed of any developments, while we wait for "The Bait" goes on sale.
A hug and see you. Sunday

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Will Bamboo Fencing And Screening Last

Stories-The-Job Factory, Athman M. Charles

Good afternoon, folks.

Today I wanted to share with you a little story I wrote for that peculiar literary workshop we have in the forum and decided to call "The Story Maker."

The premise was as simple as ever: Our narrative should begin with a specific phrase and on this occasion, the choice was "Nobody said it would be easy ...".

not a big story, but I admit that personally, I really enjoyed writing it.

Maybe not too accomplished, since by default, I have a bad habit of going too the point and put aside the descriptions. Even so, I hope you enjoy it.


Nobody said it would be easy. Not nice. But in my current job, one soon learns that expressions such as "Simple" or "Clean" are so abstract, vacuous and meaningless as the terms "Hurt" or "Remorse." Especially if your customers are willing to pay without question what they want to charge for your fee, as long as you do your job well and they are satisfied.

I will not say I like my job. That would be a real stupid and only occurs to me that would have to be really too sick to enjoy this. But what would you have me say?: I like money. I like living well, without depriving myself of anything and not have to worry as before if the shit out of reach payroll to pay the mortgage this month. No. .. That is a thing of the past and I have no intention of returning to that shit in existence.

But to enjoy the standard of living that I currently need pasta. Many pasta. And that's when you understand that although the principle can be hard and cost be, dedicated to what I do is very profitable and that raise questions as if I'm doing is disgusting, despicable or contemptible are nothing but bullshit .

not enjoy it. I'm not proud. But by that token, also is proud of its work the undertaker. Neither the charge to clean septic tanks.

just doing their jobs because someone has to do it and do it for money, as I.

The only difference between us is that they do their work in an amount commensurate with their pathetic ridiculous claims and I on the other hand, I do for a small fortune that allows me to live as I want and like most of you envidiariais.

Anyway, we will have to be to hand the work. My current client, sr. Yamamoto, has something peculiar tastes ... Today I'm going to do something I've never done and I find it quite unusual: Doing it with two of you at once.

Of course, I will charge you double. Not easy to find "pieces" available, much less bring them to achieve here without arousing suspicion.

you know. People are suspicious by nature and do not trust anyone. But even so, I have already booked a couple of new potential ... That means sleepless nights, getting a new car and a thousand questions but I'll have to start preparing.

And although as I said, nobody said it would be easy, while guys like Mr. Yamamoto loosen the pasta, I'll keep working to give them the show they deserve. In addition, it will be a good occasion to inaugurate the new camera ... High definition, do not quejareis ...

Today I'm going to hand back two of you and I who help. I do not want dejarais me in the wrong place, so I hope griteis and weep much, okay?.

Beg, pray, beseeching God ... They love it ... Nothing like a closeup of a face terrified and sobbing that contracts in a rictus of pain to satisfy the customer. Chillan front of the camera, salpicadla ..... I love it! .

'll start with the razor, a real classic. After the tongs and small amputations, to get serious later in the mountains and the cuchillos.Estoy thinking that perhaps Mr. Yamamoto likes to watch and exchange parts of your anatomy or devour chunks of each other ... No, we will have to improvise. I think it will be one of my more interesting work.


hope your opinions, dear readers Absent. Have I gotten your attention to call at least? If so, I am more than satisfied.

Greetings and see you.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Can You Give Dogs Olive Oil

EXCLUSIVE! - Interview with Vicente Garcia, director of Dolmen and author of "Revelation Island"

Good night, dear readers Absent.

If just a few days ago, from this blog to a review of the upcoming new books in the zombie genre that will appear soon or have already done so recently, now we return this thread to talk of the authors.

During the next few weeks, we will try to be they who, agreeing to be interviewed, reveals a little more, we have a few things about them and their work and ultimately, we have the pleasure to discover who is behind pen.

Today we have with us to nothing more and nothing less than Vicente Garcia, author of "Revelation Island" and known by most of you for being the founder of the renowned Editorial Dolmen.

Vincent is a busy man. And even more now in full campaign to promote the novel. So I doubly thank you have been kind enough to give us some minutes for this interview.
Without further ado, I leave you with ....


AI - Who is really Vicente Garcia? VG-

First, a book lover of all types, someone who is incapable of not reading while eating, traveling ... I guess that led to devote myself to first publish a magazine about comics, then comics, more Later books about comics and finally novels.
And of course, someone who loves writing and it goes from fear to do so.

AI - Where does your love of literature and therefore, writing?

VG-Good question. I that is innate, since I was born. My father bought me nts cue, since I have reason, and one thing led to another.

AI - Do you feel special predilection for horror, science fiction and fantasy, or enjoy any other kind?

VG "Actually I like all subjects, and I just make the book entertaining, I think that is the basis for a book I like. From there one expects that the publisher has done its job well and have selected the author and the book is well written

AI - Do you have a favorite author? Does anyone who have as a reference?
VG-So many names from Tolkien Asimov, Robert A., Verne, Salgari ... There are so many geniuses out there to discover.

AI-Apart from writing, "A devoted Vicente Garcia when the editor does?

VG-Dedicated to my work most of the time, luckily I love my job and I'm with him all the time. But actually I have all kinds of hobbies that I try to insert in the middle of my job: Seeing and playing soccer (I'm almost addicted), eat well, listen to the radio (as I do now to answer this questionnaire as well be the thing-jejejejejeje- ), movies, current TV series American they are really good to have sensational scripts (24, Lost, Alias, House ...) ... And the games, but as I get addicted to those style build civilizations, empires wargames or expand (World of Warcraft, Civilization, etc.). took many years without playing for banning "prescriptive" own, could be hours and hours and hours playing (I leave it for when I retire)

AI - How were your beginnings in the publishing world? Tell us how were your first steps and how was the experience.

VG-Making Dolmen photocopy fanzine which has become the flagship publication of the editorial, as the magazine of reference in the comic world as far as information is concerned. It was a trip that lasted more than 17 years.

AI - How was the experience of publishing your first novel? Have you felt strange to be at once across the table?

VG-editing it I felt strange, not typing. Wear all all my life writing (and publishing): articles, reviews, interviews, features, scripts ... but editing the novel and see it has been rare noses. I really enjoyed writing it and it shows, or so they say.

AI-Dolmen The final draft has been the creation of the "Z line" and it is obvious that this working very well ... How did you consider its birth? VG-

Fate drove us. Things were squaring as the whole team was emerging as Dolmen fan item, since the last fellow who came to cover artist, editors, and contributors ... Of course a server.

AI-know and found (with great satisfaction) that Dolmen has always been an exception and has been a reference for fans and a springboard for the new authors, so I would ask: What is your opinion concerning the current situation in the literature genre? Do you think we are gradually moving forward? Do you think that both the publishers and the public are finally giving it the importance it deserves these sorts our (Fantasy, Horror and Science Fiction), so derided until recently, or otherwise, is still classed as minority gender?

VG-Spain is a great place with creative, people deserve more opportunities given to them. It's one of those areas where we have nothing to envy anyone. We have been for centuries and this time is no exception. I do not understand is that gender has traditionally excluded from many sectors except the public.

AI-Si Vicente Garcia was editor, would been ...?

VG-I would have liked to be a journalist or writer, of course. While living in Mallorca I think I would finish working on something related to tourism.

AI-A Vicente Garcia afraid ....

VG "So many things. Currently something happening to my twins for two years (another of my hobbies). I thank heaven for having a job that allows me to be with them. As if someone does not leave the accounts, I have no choice but to sleep only 5 hours as well, try going to the gym 3 times a week to clear my head, something that works for me for 12 years.
Worldwide, see how human beings means increasingly less (I guess there are people who are not interested that arise as we understand.

AI-And finally: Tell us what the last book you read, the last movie you seen and the last cd you've heard.

VG "Right now I am with a book by Jules Verne Adventures of three Russians and three Englishmen in Southern Africa (seasoned with zombies books to feed the line but the weight falls on Álvaro).
The last movie I remember seeing in theaters was Cell 211 (brutal) or Zombieland, do not remember (indeed, that the latter seemed like a real nut, I guess I expected to see something else.) He
latest CD one of Kylie Minogue, of which I am a fan (things of youth)

AI - Well, that's all, Vicente. A pleasure and thank you very much for your kindness.

VG - To you ... Encantado.

And even here the interview.
I hope you like least interesting result. I think it is important that the relationship between author-reader go beyond reading their books and see your name on the cover, is not it?

"Vicente García (Palma de Mallorca, 1971) has been linked to the publishing world for almost twenty years. Technician Diploma Business and Tourist Activities, did not take long to realize that the tourism industry was not what he drew and decided to focus on the world of linking to the comic narrative and literature.
Usual radio and founder of the magazine about comics 'Dolmen' has worked for various national and international publishers and has been writing and reading since he can remember.
' Revelation Island' is its contribution to a genre that has a passion and hopes to write some sequels, not tired of repeating that in the book is the explanation to mix an English word and English in the title of the work. "

A greeting and to the next.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Toggle Cheats Pokemon

The Dreamer, by Oskar Santos

Good morning, folks.

The short film which I present today is one of those films that impress with their ability to reach the soul, with a beautiful story where reality and fantasy intertwine, making us excited about what counts.
A simple story. Even predictable, but still manages to convey something inherent in us, activating some mechanism within us that makes us feel involved and arouses our emotions.

As a romantic story without any dialogue (the short is narrated in first person, with a voice that puts us in the skin of the good doctor), "The Dreamer" is a deceptively simple story, but full nuances and interpretations for those who get carried away and can read between the lines. At one point they forget you were watching a short film and I felt like I was reading a story and that, my friends, is a very good sign ...

The plot puts us in the early nineteenth century, where a famous and renowned psychiatrist named Guillermo Rivas agreed to take by a strange case, that of Don Diego de Robledo, a young high-born aristocrat who, for reasons unknown, is suffering from drowsiness and can sleep up to three days. To make matters worse, in the wake of these episodes of prolonged sleep, the boy said while visiting sleeps strange landscapes have always been there, in the eyes of those who want to see and which strives to capture in drawings and paintings.

( If the video does not load, click here and see the official page of google)

Oskar Santos is credited with an impressive resume. His first short film "Tower" (2000) received excellent reviews and also have performed various jobs in television and Alejandro Amenabar have collaborated with some of his films, has now debuted its first feature "Evil Alien", a fantastic thriller that has cast includes Belen Rueda, Eduardo Noriega, Carlos Leal and Angie Cepeda among others, which so far has received rave reviews on its premiere at the Berlin Film Festival (Berlinale).

I believe that "The Dreamer" as much as you liked me and that you have found as wonderful as I think it is.
Greetings, dear readers .... Absent

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Heather Harmon Masterbate

Zombie Literature: A flood of titles to choose from. Canaan

Well, yes, dear readers Absent.
fans are in luck. It is obvious that for a couple of years, this subgenre in horror literature is booming. This is indicated by the number of titles that have been published in our country, both foreign authors and writers autochthonous, something unthinkable a few years ago.
The most curious is that the genre has hatched in a manner so brutal that in an effort to seize the moment, are emerging as surreal and absurd works, the result of a yearning to make pull slice opportunistically (see strange things and in my opinion, deplorable and lack of talent as "Zombie Pride and Prejudice" and other similar nonsense), which apparently gives the impression that the issue has degenerated and heretofore unsuspected and that this kind of "fashion" has already reached its peak and has already given all he could give of himself.

Fortunately, the reality is different. Despite the apparent saturation of the market, and although it has been this much-maligned genre with such abuses, there is still much to say.
Fortunately, a few authors strive to offer work worthy of praise, showing his ability and talent to offer titles that really shine for quality, creativity and continue to ensure our entertainment, leaving us satisfied with the result.

As all of you know, I am a user and contributor to the forum We Legend, where, with great satisfaction on my part, I had the pleasure of meeting some authors frequent the same and that between talk and talk, we are putting the day on their projects and others.

It so happens that there are several that since late last year and early this, have brought out their latest works or will soon, decorated all in the zombie genre.

Each of their unique concept and approach, but with something else in common: Original works, worked, and that certainly proved to be more than a product of opportunism.

if we started in January with good standing with the publication of which are in my opinion, the flagships of this genre ("The Walkmen" by Carlos Sisi and "AZ: LDO, Manel Loureiro), February starts as well and the next few months will not go behind in terms of interesting titles. This year promises to delight those who feel a weakness for apocalyptic scenarios.

Next, I present a short preview of what lies ahead. Unless I am mistaken, all titles included in this list will see the light thanks to the Z line of Dolmen Editorial.

-On January 3 went on sale "Revelation Island" by Vicente Garcia. The Director of Dolmen well as a writer opens with a thrilling novel that puts us in Mallorca.

The world has already suffered before the zombie threat, but humans, after a long and bloody struggle for survival, managed to win that war and now have the pest control. At least, until now ....

"Revelation Island" has a blog own , where aside from finding information about the novel, I topareis that several authors have written a series of parallel stories that revolve around the main plot of the book and resulting in extra the universe created by Vicente.

"Revelation Island" Vicente Garcia
272 pages.
RRP: € 16.95
ISBN: 978-84-937544-0-2

- When some time ago, Alberto Bermúdez Ortiz started writing a zombie novel peculiar set in Spain and that it would end self-released in a short run, I could imagine some time later, after rave reviews from his first followers and word of mouth through the internet, someone would notice her and this ended up being published by a publisher would like Dolmen.

Humor.Gore. Policy. Amor.Terror .... All these elements skillfully conjugates as recognizable on stage and close and with characters so and so our people who have earned the title of the novel that has, well deserved and accurate and that already gives us some idea of \u200b\u200bwhere to go jump shots, " Zoombie: the zombie apocalypse with denomination of origin" .

A revision to the genre that will make us smile outlined in more than one occasion.

- "Chronicles Obituary: Diary of a Zombie" is the title of the first novel by our friend Serge Llausàs, better known by his fellow Kinea SL.

The literary debut of this new author has been a source of joy for most of you know and expect eager to see the light work, which will occur between May and June of this year.
Since we summarized the author: "... ¨ Diary of a Zombie · We into a world buried under the ashes of the devastation, swept by a pandemic of delusional proportions, where the human has almost completely extinguished.
But what makes this story different is that the events are narrated from a very peculiar. Not surprisingly, the protagonist is a zombie, which causes the time being unknown, he retained his consciousness after processing.

After the first few chapters that present the character, begins to develop a story of redemption, of human values \u200b\u200band, above all, an unlikely friendship when conduct cold, cynical and unsociable of Eric, the protagonist, is changing remarkably after meeting a mysterious girl lonely survivor of 8 years old.

Gradually, and over an epic adventure together, get Erico reconnect with his human side, recovering those memories and feelings that had not experienced since the time when blood flowed with vigor through his veins.

" Diary of a Zombie," set largely on a post-apocalyptic Barcelona, \u200b\u200bgives us a nice start reading smiles and tears alike. "

Apart from the above, still remain to me a few more of those I can not even provide more than their titles and authors. These works have already been accepted by the publisher, but that are still pending confirm date of publication, so I'll talk in more depth about them when the time comes.

"On the one hand, we have a compilation of stories that will see the light this year and is titled" Z Anthology. " The most notable of this work is that almost all authors participating in it are novel, although most have already made their first steps in various websites, both blogs, forums and quizzes.

"On the other, the publication of the last work of God's dear John Gardiner, an old acquaintance by the readers of this blog and a good buddy of mine.

turns out that good old John was kind enough (and lack of common sense) to let me draft of his next novel, that you take a look and give him my opinion.

"And despite everything, the World still whirled "is the title of this novel unpublished. A Survival authentic with all letters, which retrieves the best of the genre, back to their roots, something that is appreciated.

The best line of the King of old, that we are distressed and facing desperate situations his characters to a destination not too flattering, Garduño manages to create a believable and enveloping atmosphere where we are fascinated by the genre of "people caught with something lurking out there" we will be caught enjoying the narrative.

Best of the novel are the characters. With a past in common, which will have an important bearing on the work, we have some individuals with strong personality and rich in nuances, which makes the story is something more than a succession of events and developing a really interesting subplot, aside of the main story of survival.

Three people isolated in the world ... if it is a world out there. A scenario chosen conciencia.Un frozen wasteland, where the cold and snow are the dominant and which are responsible for creating the ideal atmosphere for which the action and that the fears take shape.

with moments reminiscent of I Am Legend, of Mathesson and others that will inevitably come to mind references to "The Thing" in Carpenter, we will see how are you three people get by alone in an inhospitable place like this while trying to live day to day and are faced with a terrible enemy that lurks hidden in the snow, biding his time. I can only say that, apart from some minor details, the novel I liked a lot. It tastes stale, old school. A tale of terror, survival old ones.
The players have a relationship prior to the events that occur, old outstanding accounts have been settled and that makes their relationships and their actions are a product of it, having a great weight on what will happen and how we'll see.

promises to be a real discovery for those who still do not know his work. And for those who already have read his previous novel ("The Fallen"), you become apparent that John has matured a lot as a writer. I'm looking forward to see how it is published as recently set out this great story.

And finally, dear reader ... I think that's it for today. After this megaentrada, I leave to the next. See