Sunday, February 21, 2010

Will Bamboo Fencing And Screening Last

Stories-The-Job Factory, Athman M. Charles

Good afternoon, folks.

Today I wanted to share with you a little story I wrote for that peculiar literary workshop we have in the forum and decided to call "The Story Maker."

The premise was as simple as ever: Our narrative should begin with a specific phrase and on this occasion, the choice was "Nobody said it would be easy ...".

not a big story, but I admit that personally, I really enjoyed writing it.

Maybe not too accomplished, since by default, I have a bad habit of going too the point and put aside the descriptions. Even so, I hope you enjoy it.


Nobody said it would be easy. Not nice. But in my current job, one soon learns that expressions such as "Simple" or "Clean" are so abstract, vacuous and meaningless as the terms "Hurt" or "Remorse." Especially if your customers are willing to pay without question what they want to charge for your fee, as long as you do your job well and they are satisfied.

I will not say I like my job. That would be a real stupid and only occurs to me that would have to be really too sick to enjoy this. But what would you have me say?: I like money. I like living well, without depriving myself of anything and not have to worry as before if the shit out of reach payroll to pay the mortgage this month. No. .. That is a thing of the past and I have no intention of returning to that shit in existence.

But to enjoy the standard of living that I currently need pasta. Many pasta. And that's when you understand that although the principle can be hard and cost be, dedicated to what I do is very profitable and that raise questions as if I'm doing is disgusting, despicable or contemptible are nothing but bullshit .

not enjoy it. I'm not proud. But by that token, also is proud of its work the undertaker. Neither the charge to clean septic tanks.

just doing their jobs because someone has to do it and do it for money, as I.

The only difference between us is that they do their work in an amount commensurate with their pathetic ridiculous claims and I on the other hand, I do for a small fortune that allows me to live as I want and like most of you envidiariais.

Anyway, we will have to be to hand the work. My current client, sr. Yamamoto, has something peculiar tastes ... Today I'm going to do something I've never done and I find it quite unusual: Doing it with two of you at once.

Of course, I will charge you double. Not easy to find "pieces" available, much less bring them to achieve here without arousing suspicion.

you know. People are suspicious by nature and do not trust anyone. But even so, I have already booked a couple of new potential ... That means sleepless nights, getting a new car and a thousand questions but I'll have to start preparing.

And although as I said, nobody said it would be easy, while guys like Mr. Yamamoto loosen the pasta, I'll keep working to give them the show they deserve. In addition, it will be a good occasion to inaugurate the new camera ... High definition, do not quejareis ...

Today I'm going to hand back two of you and I who help. I do not want dejarais me in the wrong place, so I hope griteis and weep much, okay?.

Beg, pray, beseeching God ... They love it ... Nothing like a closeup of a face terrified and sobbing that contracts in a rictus of pain to satisfy the customer. Chillan front of the camera, salpicadla ..... I love it! .

'll start with the razor, a real classic. After the tongs and small amputations, to get serious later in the mountains and the cuchillos.Estoy thinking that perhaps Mr. Yamamoto likes to watch and exchange parts of your anatomy or devour chunks of each other ... No, we will have to improvise. I think it will be one of my more interesting work.


hope your opinions, dear readers Absent. Have I gotten your attention to call at least? If so, I am more than satisfied.

Greetings and see you.


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