Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Can A Better Router Improve Netflix

you had not noticed?

Use the artists of the time to market products is nothing new, no subliminal messages. It is therefore important that we consumers defenseless clear what we are seeing is not going to be that one day we spend in front of a store and enter to buy a Samsung Güachuwachu 2 million bowling and do not know why.

Fergie: Face of an angel, right?

Look closer, stop ... joujoujouhold on, checkiraut! (8)

Samsung appears in his hand, passes it to the friend, dancer number # Guan

to the next and so on transforming the video "musical" in the cellular business. Look
as the scout has

Then he reaches the robot Panita

And in the end.

That goes in the boxes?

1. Fergalicious.
2. The Samsung.
3. Your brain.
4. Gifts from Santa (if you still believe this, quiet, the world is not going to change and fit in perfectly).

So while we meneamos the boat while we sing: "I'mFeryilichoz! ♪" and they have convinced us that with the equipment that we will never be .

If you do not believe check it out.

Batteries teenager with MTV.


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