Many professionals in the various technical areas, technologies, scientific, religious, political and social, have passed through our classrooms. Among them, mention some who have excelled locally, nationally and internationally.
In Scientific Area: Fabio Restrepo Vivas, Bachelor of the Class of 1958, Electronic Engineer. He worked in the Department of Aeronautics and Space Administration-NASA-Houston, Texas, USA. He won the contest accurately calculate the physical laws of gravity for the first spacecraft could return from the Moon, Mario Arbelaez Gomez, BA, 1962, Member of the organ transplant group at the University Hospital of Medellín.
In Area literary the Bachelor of 1963 Isaías Peña Gutiérrez, a columnist for The Literary Supplement time.
in the political arena: José Antonio Gómez Hermida. Bachiller, 1966, was ambassador INCORA Manager, House Representative, Senator of the Republic. Bravo Jaime Motta, BA 1976, was three times Mayor Garzón, Huila Governor from 1998 to 2000, President of the Academy of History in 2001, currently Head of Asset Political Huila, Pedro José Ramírez Ramírez, BA 1959, General Manager INCORA in Colombia; so many mayors, deputies, and others in positions of importance of government policy, public and private . In journalism as bachelor Fierro Pedro Vicente Promotion, 1975, 1975, Spain Fernando Calderón, Rodrigo Silva Vargas, 1974, Vicente Silva Vargas, 1978, Rafael Leonidas Trujillo 1981, Orlando Bueno Losada 1981 QPD and others.